
Showing posts from October, 2022


                                       WINDOW DRESSING               Window dressing is a technique used by companies and financial managers to manipulate financial statements and reports to show more favorable results for a period. They try to make better performance in current period through recording forthcoming period transactions which are not included in the current period. Its totally unethical. Normally these type of companies are preparing window dressing fraud during the end of an accounting period.  There are some examples for window dressing :- 1) Cash window dressing :- it is an example for window dressing , they try to postpone paying to suppliers. Therefore their cash balance will increase. 2) Account receivables window dressing:- It is another type of window dressing. they record low debts to reduce the total expenditure. 3) Expense window dressing:- it is the process of withholding supplies invoice and record in later period. Through this kind of window dressing frau


                  TEAMING AND LADING Teaming and lading is one of the main accounting fraud, also known as short banking, delayed accounting or lopping. frauder receives cash from one costumer and that cash will use for his personal purpose instead of depositing it, record in later. Furthermore, if another customer gives cash , he will record that cash in previous accrued person's account. Its like a rolling of money. Teeming and lading is pure illegal.  DIFFERENT METHODS TO IDENTIFY TEAMING AND LADING :- 1) Contact debtors directly :- One of the method is contact related debtors of the company for the real information. 2) Bank slip testing :- another method is checking all related slips of bank transactions. HOW TO AVOID THESE KIND OF FRAUD :-               One of the main prevention is rotating the staff regularly. issuing all receipts without considering whether they are small or big.  More details :-